íkenete 1. Fallan Jacobs
-Works alongside Louise Herne to support the everyday responsibilities of a Iakoiá:ne/Clan mother such as responding to Nation duties including family and community requests, cycle of ceremonies, naming and keeping the pulse on the wellness of mothers and their infants.
-Works as part of the team involved in community initiatives including Oherò:kon, Iethi'hsotha ahsonthehnehkha karahkwa - Moon Lodge. Examples include: attends and organizes meetings, takes notes, responds promptly to phone calls and messages, and being present and responsive to tasks assigned such as knowledge sharing, and other cultural resources as called upon.
- Research on the history of Ratinonhshón:ni as it relates to present events
-Community outreach, liaising and promotion of events
-Work outdoors as part of a garden sustainability initiatives in accordance with the Lunar Planting Cycles.
- Passion for Ratinonhshón:ni women's roles, history, and future generations.
-Ability to adapt and be open to changes requiring quick thinking and response time.
íkenete 2. Brooke Rice
A part time personal assistant to iakoià:ne, Louise Mamabear Herne. Helping continue to transcribe Kanien’kéha in projects, such as the bear clan names from Charles A. Cook manuscript. A project that was spearheaded by Taionwatón:ti Sunday and Elders in the community. Building and maintaining respectful relationships with first language speakers and second language learners to gain perspective of different dialects, as well as the evolution of Kanien’kéha. Organizing gatherings to collectively work on digitizing clan names with diacritics, recording male and female names where applicable and the availability of the name. Further responsibilities include supporting other initiatives guided by fellow tributaries; such as moon lodge, fasting, wellness week, harvesting and what the nation calls for us. This role allows us to learn leadership, self determination, mother law and how to conduct ourselves for the faces yet to come.